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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Bark of Joyness: INDIVIDUALS at Amsterdam Fashionweek

First I want to tell you that the runway looked awesome and fitted totally with the style of the collection. I also enjoyed the backgroundmusic before the show started. A good old Bessie Smith.

When I found my seat I saw a paper and there was written:

Individuals presents ‘Duals’

In this collection Individuals reacts with passion and force to today’s society with a raw streetwear collection full of references to the city and to a nomadic lifestyle.

Duals refers to the duel between oneself and the outside world, and to the dualty between faith and insecurity. Progess and transience are two red threads running through the collection, seeking the answer to the question: “What time could this be?”

And now , let’s have a focus on the collection. When the first model came on the runway I knew how she would look like, because of the runway. But still the quality was surprisingly good. They worked so well on the fabrics. It probably took a long time to make it.
What also was surprising, were the dogmasks. They made it with a cool fabric that doesn’t look Halloween’ish but fashionable.
Another thing that made me happy was the beautiful details in every outfits. Nothing was boring.
I would describe the collection as urban chic. A gang with class (but not in a criminal way). I also love the unisex style in it. It’s accesable for everyone!

Check out more photo’s here!


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