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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Fashionista of the Week

Written by: Christian

Talking about extreme!

Hey Guys,

I really want put this girl in the spotlight (even though she's been already in a lot of spotlights), because this girl knows what fashion is. Even if it's not your taste, this is the real meaning of being fashionable. Ladies and Gentlemen this is freelance fashion journalist Aynouk Tan.

This woman loves texture and knows what she is wearing. It is her, and that's fashion. She thinks about every single detail and that's important if you want to call yourself fashionable.

The first time I saw her in real life was at the Amsterdam Fashion Week summer 2011. She was hosting the Vodafone Firestarters talkshow wearing a pink (fake?)fur top and some shorts with rhinestones all over, designed by Marry Me - Jimmy Paul. She had her red hair pulled to the back and on her head she had a necklace on, but now it was meant to be as a headband/tiara. Awesome! But I was wondering if she wears this just to get some attention or to show what fashion is for her. And luckily it was the last one.

Every time I see her in newspapers or on the internet my mind says 'wow'. Last week was the Amserdam Fashion Week summer edition (too bad I couldn't make it there) and she stole the show with her amazing outlandish outfits. That's the reason why she's Capitale F's Fashionista of the Week. People can say it's crazy, but it's the new fashion.

Check out some more of her looks.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Fashionista Of The Week

This guy is (sort of) the Fashionista Of The Week! I said sort of, because I only liked the jacket, for the rest it's not that extreme, but anyway.. This guy, who's probably going on holiday, wears a denim vest and with studs it says: Speed Freak. I hope that he means that he loves to be fast and not that he's addicted to a type of drug...

I can't find it in stores or on google, so he probably made it by himself of let someone fix this. Props to this guy or person who has put the studs on!

Do you have any pics with your favorite outfit? Send me an email to and who knows you'll be the Fashionista Of The Week!

Love (fashion),


Friday, June 8, 2012

Fashionista of the week/month

Picture by The Sartorialist LINK

Hey guys!
This will be a new topic of my blog here: Fashionista of the week or month. Every month or week (it depends) I am going to walk down the streets of big cities in The Netherlands to find that boy or girl who inspires me the most.

But dont worry to all the people who live outside Holland, I will make some trips to cities like Antwerp or London this year. Or you can e-mail me your stylish picture and maybe you will be chosen to be the Fashionista Of The Week.

Next week will be announced the first Fashionista so if you want, send in your picture to (No, it's not my personal e-mail adress ;) )

Good luck!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I'll be back!

Hey guys,

I'm so sorry for my absence the latest time, but I had a hard time at school + my lovely macbook has been broken for the last weeks but now it's repaired and I will focus more on this blog and the goal about it!

For the readers who have no idea what my goal is: I want to Change Fashion. I want to open every person's eyes to see that there's is more than just a t-shirt!

So be prepared for this week for loads of posts!

See you soon!!!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Portfolio: Triptiekshow


A few weeks ago there was a show organized by all the 2nd year students of the Amsterdam Fashion Institute, including me. We started with groups of 20 students and in every group there were managers, branders and designer students.

In my group there were 5 design students and you can see on the photo's our collection we've worked on it. Our inspiration was Friesland and our goal was to reach the youth of this Dutch province by making comfortable, but stylish and special clothing. We did a great job on it, we even had a high note for it! right under this post you can see the pictures of the shoot with me as the model and from the show.

Please send a comment here and give me your opinion about the colection. What would you like to buy from this. I heard alot of compliments about the beautiful sweater made by my group-mate Anouk!

Meet Jonathan Christopher


Hey little fashion soldiers,

Yes, It has been a long time ago…. Again! But I will try to post more! But I’m so busy with my school, but I definately don’t want to give up my blog. And I want to post only good work!

So a few months I went to the Modefabriek, a big event at the Amsterdam RAI where you’ll see all the trends coming this season. There was a special places whit stands of different young design talent. And there was one collection that stole my fashionheart. It was the collection of Jonathan Christopher Hofwegen.

Hofwegen graduated at the Willem de Kooning Academie (in Rotterdam). In that study, he did an internship at Dutch designer Francisco van Benthum. After that he did a master at ArtEZ in Arhem, one of the most artistic designschool in The Netherlands. He has been nominated for a few good designer awards.

Jonathan Christopher made the best menswear collection I’ve ever seen in my life! It’s so much different than the ‘average’ menswear collections. Every detail was so good and every clothing piece has it’s extra’s. I’m afraid lot’s of boring dudes won’t wear them, because they are afraid of the ‘new’ things. And that’s why I’m happy with this designer! We all should be happy to be different, or are we proud to be ‘normal’ ? Let’s change the world! But before that, let’s watch pictures of the brand.

Check out other pictures at his website: Click Here


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Bark of Joyness: INDIVIDUALS at Amsterdam Fashionweek

First I want to tell you that the runway looked awesome and fitted totally with the style of the collection. I also enjoyed the backgroundmusic before the show started. A good old Bessie Smith.

When I found my seat I saw a paper and there was written:

Individuals presents ‘Duals’

In this collection Individuals reacts with passion and force to today’s society with a raw streetwear collection full of references to the city and to a nomadic lifestyle.

Duals refers to the duel between oneself and the outside world, and to the dualty between faith and insecurity. Progess and transience are two red threads running through the collection, seeking the answer to the question: “What time could this be?”

And now , let’s have a focus on the collection. When the first model came on the runway I knew how she would look like, because of the runway. But still the quality was surprisingly good. They worked so well on the fabrics. It probably took a long time to make it.
What also was surprising, were the dogmasks. They made it with a cool fabric that doesn’t look Halloween’ish but fashionable.
Another thing that made me happy was the beautiful details in every outfits. Nothing was boring.
I would describe the collection as urban chic. A gang with class (but not in a criminal way). I also love the unisex style in it. It’s accesable for everyone!

Check out more photo’s here!


Saturday, January 21, 2012

Not Late, but Fashionably late: Kelly Cutrone in Amsterdam.

Good day/night readers,

I know she’s been here a few weeks ago, but i still want to tell you that I met Kelly Cutrone in Amsterdam! She was there for signing her books and giving advice to people. I told her that i’m studying at fashion design academy and that I have a problem with Time-management. And she told me she don’t had a good time management the day before the booksigning. And we talked alo tand she also signed a book for one of my best friends Precilla Sedney (blogger of Fashion & Art Expression LINK) She couldn’t make it, so i bought one of Kelly’s books and signed it for Precilla as a birthday present! Here’s the picture of my signed book!
Kelly Cutrone has two books: If You Have To Cry, Go Outside and Normal Gets You Nowhere. I bought the last one, becase I totally agree that normal gets you nowhere. You have to be yourself and not like any other. I read the book and it’s amazing! You can buy one in the bookstores and it’s so worth to read it.

Kelly Cutrone is amazing and she might look like a bitch for everyone, but she isn’t. She wants to reach a goal and if people fail in it to get her goal, then they will get punished in an genuine way. Fashion is hard. It is falling, standing up and go ahead.

So get you copies of Cutrone’s books now!


Please spread the word via Twitter and Facebook!

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year, New Fashion.

Hello Everyone!

First I want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR! Let’s hope we will have a stylish 2012. As you know It’s been a long time since I posted my last post. But I will keep you updated almost every week. I’ve been so busy with my school. I’ll soon post my work here!

And because it’s a new year, I will do some new things this time! Yay!

The Fashion Army
This is a new thing on my blog. I will be fashionhunt on the streets and on the internet for some goodlooking fashionsoldiers and post it on this blog. And do YOU have a picture of you looking stylish and you? Please send the picture to us at and join the Fashion Army!!

Fashion Shows
Besides the fashionhunting, I will post alot of interesting fashionnews and Fashion shows i’ve been to or saw on the internet.

Young Talent
What I extremely love are new and young fashion designers with their new visions and statements. So that’s the reason I will post some of them. Wich I think that they are the best new designers in the world and gonna make it well in the future.

And I might do some contests where you can win some things! But I first need alot of viewers before that happens.

So Follow us everywhere! And spread the word:

Twitter : @Capitale_F