Hello again!
This is the show I was most excited about of the whole fashion week! I understand why these great young designers were nominated for this amazing price (10.000 euros).
The nominees:
William Fan.
This collection was very folkloric. It's an russian Babushka mixed with a little bit dutchness. What I loved in this collection was the detail work in every design.
Anne Bosman.
The silhouet reminded me a bit about Michael Kampe, he also used the extreme big patterns. I like the extreme big sleeves in this men-collection and the huge backpacks, aren't they way too heavy to wear?
Magnus Dekker (the winner).
This designer is a daredevil. When the first model came on the runway i was in love and then the second came down the runway and I was still in love! This colorful-edgy-rock'n roll collection was perfectly made! This is quality first class. So refreshingly new! I think that is the reason why he won. This is international class.
Marius op 't Eynde.
This collection was well-cutted and very graphic. It was very modern but with a fun twist in it. The color combination was perfect and I see a lot of men wearing it.
Geo Timmerman.
I was in love with this velvet collection, because of the extreme silhouette. It reminds me about Lady Gaga and I see her wearing this collection. And i also love the idea af the heels. It were brushes and the models walked great in it. Even tough the color palette was save, the silhouette mad the collection extreme.
I totally agree with the winner and I will follow all 5 of the nominees. I'm excited for all of their work!
Pictures are coming soon!
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