So a week before Amsterdam Fashion Week has begun, the team of FRANK sent me an e-mail that I was invited for their new 'luxury brand'. I was very excited, because of their lay-out. It looked a bit like Viktor & Rolf, so I expected a lot of this brand.
But when the first models came on the runway, I though was at the show of H&M. It looked way too casual for a luxury brand. And they didn't picked the right fabric for some clothing pieces, because the fit was awful at some dresses. And first I thought the print of some fabrics looked great, but when I saw it at the scarf they gave us in the goodie bags, i almost threw it away.
Then the bridal gown came. And the screen went yellow and had the logo of Zeeman (
click here) on it, the question marks on my forehead grew. Why is the quality so bad? Why is Zeeman on the screen? Why do they call this a luxury brand? They made it clear after the show. They gave us a letter where they said that it was a stunt. And the message of the stunt was: Luxury doesn't have to cost a lot of money...................
Anyway, the idea of this stun was very creative, but when you are giving people high expectations, you should surprise them with those high expectations. I mean I was way more surprised as the collection actually LOOKED like a luxury-line. Quality is very important of a luxury brand, it needs the right fit, a perfect shape and the luxury materials. Ok the fabric was from Brazil, but it looked like H&M class and that's not a luxury brand. You can make luxury cheaper, but keep it how luxury brands should be. But I'm not saying that all the clothes looked bad! I think I can see a lot of housewives in it...
But I have to say, the models were the best in the whole Fashionweek!
It was a great and creative idea, but the quality was disappointed. I cannot call this real luxury.
Photographer: Chloe Sterk