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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Launch Of The Green Fashion Competition at Fashionweek

I went to the Launch of the Green Fashion Competition last saturday at Fashionweek. It's a competition where designers can show them how 'green' they are. And I mean green as sustainable.

Would you like to join the competition? Click here to see the rules!

The second price winner O shoes presented that evening their new collection of shoes. They are using severed materials so that's pretty green!

They were also at the Modefabriek last sunday and monday with a team called 'Mint' I will write about it as soon as possible!

Click here to watch the video of the launch!

FRANK, a good, but disappointing stunt.

So a week before Amsterdam Fashion Week has begun, the team of FRANK sent me an e-mail that I was invited for their new 'luxury brand'. I was very excited, because of their lay-out. It looked a bit like Viktor & Rolf, so I expected a lot of this brand.

But when the first models came on the runway, I though was at the show of H&M. It looked way too casual for a luxury brand. And they didn't picked the right fabric for some clothing pieces, because the fit was awful at some dresses. And first I thought the print of some fabrics looked great, but when I saw it at the scarf they gave us in the goodie bags, i almost threw it away.

Then the bridal gown came. And the screen went yellow and had the logo of Zeeman (click here) on it, the question marks on my forehead grew. Why is the quality so bad? Why is Zeeman on the screen? Why do they call this a luxury brand? They made it clear after the show. They gave us a letter where they said that it was a stunt. And the message of the stunt was: Luxury doesn't have to cost a lot of money...................

Anyway, the idea of this stun was very creative, but when you are giving people high expectations, you should surprise them with those high expectations. I mean I was way more surprised as the collection actually LOOKED like a luxury-line. Quality is very important of a luxury brand, it needs the right fit, a perfect shape and the luxury materials. Ok the fabric was from Brazil, but it looked like H&M class and that's not a luxury brand. You can make luxury cheaper, but keep it how luxury brands should be. But I'm not saying that all the clothes looked bad! I think I can see a lot of housewives in it...

But I have to say, the models were the best in the whole Fashionweek!

It was a great and creative idea, but the quality was disappointed. I cannot call this real luxury.

Photographer: Chloe Sterk

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Frans Molenaar Prijs at Fashionweek

Hello again!

This is the show I was most excited about of the whole fashion week! I understand why these great young designers were nominated for this amazing price (10.000 euros).

The nominees:

William Fan.
This collection was very folkloric. It's an russian Babushka mixed with a little bit dutchness. What I loved in this collection was the detail work in every design.

Anne Bosman.
The silhouet reminded me a bit about Michael Kampe, he also used the extreme big patterns. I like the extreme big sleeves in this men-collection and the huge backpacks, aren't they way too heavy to wear?

Magnus Dekker (the winner).
This designer is a daredevil. When the first model came on the runway i was in love and then the second came down the runway and I was still in love! This colorful-edgy-rock'n roll collection was perfectly made! This is quality first class. So refreshingly new! I think that is the reason why he won. This is international class.

Marius op 't Eynde.
This collection was well-cutted and very graphic. It was very modern but with a fun twist in it. The color combination was perfect and I see a lot of men wearing it.

Geo Timmerman.
I was in love with this velvet collection, because of the extreme silhouette. It reminds me about Lady Gaga and I see her wearing this collection. And i also love the idea af the heels. It were brushes and the models walked great in it. Even tough the color palette was save, the silhouette mad the collection extreme.

I totally agree with the winner and I will follow all 5 of the nominees. I'm excited for all of their work!

Pictures are coming soon!

Charlotte Kan at Fashionweek

Hey little fashionistas!

So this wasn't just a normal runwayshow in the Westergasfabriek, where the fashionweek was. It was outside the building. Charlotte Kan did a creative action called 'Play and Pose' with bloggers as models.

Besides her collection with lovely colors and materials for fashion girls and young fashion women, her show was very interesting. Lot's of press came outside and took pictures of this show with Charlotte Kan and the ten bloggers as the stars.

Charlotte is looking for new ways to show fashion. This time she was inspired by worldwide communication, so she invited 9 bloggers to 'play and pose' with the collection of Kan and combine it with their own clothing and accesoires. You can see the variety of Charlotte's collection. You don't need to buy the whole collection, every single design fits with every other clothing piece. She is very smart, because we, the bloggers are as important as fashion magazines like Vogue or Elle magazine. We are the consumers and it's important to know the opinion of them as a designer. And I think it worked out well, because the bloggers liked it!

While the bloggers were dressed in Charlotte's collection, combined with their own clothing; they were looking for the 10th model in the public. And it was a blogger as well an fitted with the whole group! However i expected some more extreme clothing, she did a great job with the show and I think I can see a lot of girls and young women walking in these clothes. Good Job!

Pictures of the collection and show are coming!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Roya Hesam at fashionweek

Hey fashionfriends!

This was one of the first shows i saw in fashionweek. And was the first collection who impressed me. Even though I’m not a big fan of light materials (because it’s hard to work), she did dan excellent job with it. I love dit How Roya Pleated at unexpected places like at the crotch.

And also the models looked they were flying because of the floating clothes. That was amazing! An dit was the first time I saw a beautiful jumsuit. Most jumpsuits are looking trashy, but not these 2.

Roya did dan amazing job by surprising everyone with the back of every designs. She impressed me with her collection and I love it how she worked with that hard-to-work-with-fabric. Amazing!

Photographer: Peter Stigter

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Fashion Week: 2nd day

So today was the second day of the Amsterdam International Fashionweek. And the first show for me of this week

I was invited for ZEM, Roya Hesam and Gomes ESSER DESIGN. But when i went to the ticketdesk of the last show they said I was listed, but they told me that they sent an unofficial mail to me. But the e-mail clearly said:

' Your personal seating ticket lies at the ticket-desk'

So What they are doing is giving false hope to a blogger who writes about fashion. So I won't write anything about Gomes ESSER just to let them know that the PR (I'm not going to say the company) was wrong. I've seen the pictures and it was amazing, but I'm disappointed that i was listed, but they didn't have a ticket for me. I was just decoration at the list haha.

Anyway, These are the two shows i'm going tomorrow:
- Charlotte Kan - Play and Pose
- The Frans Molenaarprijs.

Let's hope they have my ticket ready for me!

I can't wait!

I keep you updated, and don't forget to watch the shows frontrow at the livestream:

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Lady Gaga walks in Dutch design.

Hey everyone!

Biggest American superstar Lady Gaga has been spotted when she arrived at a nightclub she was performing in a design from Dutch designer Iris van Herpen. She was going to perform in the Nevermind Nightclub in Sydney. It's been the second time that the lovely Gaga is wearing a design from this amazing designer. Iris designed the shoes in collaboration with United Nude.

And I've secretly hoped that the pop-icon would wear these shoes. I was them months ago when I walked in Amsterdam. And these shoes were also in the Dutch news and said that Gaga would love these shoes. And as they said SHE LOVED THEM!

I'm really proud that she is wearing a lot of Dutch designs the latest time, it gives me more motivation to be better at school! YAY.

Here are more photo's of the design.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Amsterdam Fashion Week!


Soo on wednesday july 13 starts the official Amsterdam International Fashion week! So excited. And for real, because I got some invitations for a few shows, so keep watching my blog often this week for pictures and critics! These are the shows I'm going to:

- Charlotte Kan
- The Green Fashion Competition
- Edith & Ella

I'm so excited for it and I can't wait for it. Outfits are ready (lol)!

I see you soon!


Friday, July 1, 2011

Amfi Transit: A great experience

Hey everyone!

Last wednesday I went to the AMFI Transit in the World Fashion Centre. A place where all the graduates from the Amsterdam Fashion Institute (AMFI, my school) show their work to inspire us and try to get a job, and they will! There was a fashion show with the graduation collections. There were some extreme good collections! Here are the pictures of the collections wich I like:

The Amazing collection by Olga Vokalova.

I love the ceramic equipment in this collection of Amber Sophie Smidt WEBSITE

Daphny Raes is a great designer in detail and beautiful techniques, excellent!

I love shape in clothing, so I extremely love the idea of this collection of Sanne Haselager WEBSITE

You should have a mastermind for this menswear collection. The collection of Bram van Diepen was so good! This is more than AMFI-worthy I think he is asked by a lot of fashion companies. WEBSITE

But not only their Designs were good. The collection-, concept-, and procesbook of these great students were amazing. Way better than I did this year.

But this is an inspiration, a motivation for me to be better than I was. Be more creative and I need more guts. This was great event to learn more about fashion design.

Have a great weekend!
