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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Portfolio - Candle Wax Accesoires!

Hello Dear Readers!! (Well I hope I have readers),

Sooo I'm very busy with school making an Inspiration Book and i founf 1 picture (the last picture) and i thought she had candle wax on her hair, so I kinda get obsessed by candle wax hahaha!!

I bought a red candle and made some things of it. A ring, sunglasses and a necklace. I also pimped my T-shirt with candle wax, but I will show it tomorrow. It's all rough and I have to make it better but I just want to show you how far I am :).

Just watch the pictures and explanation under the pictures!:

These are all the accesoires I made of Candle Wax. Look at my beautiful grey model!
And look a bit closer to this wax ring! cool huh??

I might have a feeling that someone made a pair of glasses of candle wax, but I made it too!

This is kinda my favorite, because I'm wearing it too, but this necklac got a shape of a jellyfish or a little cute ghost, but it's still wax :). Or it looks like a shot wound...........

l'inspiration. It's acttually water, but it looks like candle wax...
Next post will be my bloodofwax T-shirt!
Thanks for watching, please leave a comment and follow my blog!

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