Hello everyone! :)
Ok this was one of the best expierences i've ever made and all thanks to Precilla sedney (check her blog here: http://www.fashionartexpression.com/ !) She had press tickets to go to th Modefabriek in Amsterdam 2011.
We also watched the Next and Cutting Edge Runway Show and 2 designers were my favorites: Michael Kampe (website: http://www.notjustalabel.com/kampe ) and James Hillman (blog: http://jameshillman.blogspot.com/) . Both designers showed 2011 how I wanted to show 2011.
Michael Kampe:
I was very impressed with the use of shapes and the masculine blue color of this avant-gardistic collection. He didn't just want to make a blazer with a print on it. He just made a new pattern that almost looks like a puzzle and thats how it looked way more special. There was also one piece with a giant crystal shape on it and I would love to wear it, even though it's a huge (beautiful!) sculpture. But avant-garde is big and against the rules, so you can do anything and he did that with succes.

This piece under this line was the first look of the runwayshow. The first time I saw th.is design I thought it was a long jacket with a shirt over it, but then I looked better and it's an avant-gardistic look with a nice and fresh print on it. He used foam to fill it up and give it the shape. I really like his combination with futuristic and dynamic shapes with a peacefull print.

Good job!
James Hillman:
When I saw the male models walking in this collection I immediately was thinking: "YES! bigger shoulder pads for men!" I was so proud that finally a designer used these kinds op shoulders in the right way! He told me that he dind't want to make those 80's shoulders, but wanted pointy ends. This picture is one of them I love this coat:
He used different kinds of fabrics in each design so it doesn't looked just like a black coat. It's a collction that has the same style that I want in my collection. Simple, looking flawless, but with a special touch on it. I also liked it that he used a more bright color in the lining, so it isn't a sad design that can be used only for a funeral. You can wear this everywhere, for dinner or even at the red carpet.

I hope he will open a store as soon as possible, because I really want every single design of this collection!
I will post more about the Modefabriek this week!
Love and Fashion,
Christian x