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Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy 2013!

Hey hey hey,

First of all, I want to wish you a HAPPY NEWYEAR! 2013 didn’t started that great for me, but hopefully it gets better. It will if I post more on my blog!

I’ve had a rough time with my school before summer, but it all ended well. I’m on the right track and hopefully I can focus more on my blog again if I won’t focus on the unimportant stuff.

SO starting this year positive, let’s show all of the great highlights of my portfolio, fashion and a little bit of my life in 2012.

The big thing in the Dutch fashion world happened in this month is the fresh and surprising collection of my school’s brand iNDiViDUALS called ‘DUALS’. I went to the show on fashion week and it wow’ed me so hard. It made me proud to study on this talented school.

This highlight is also about my school AMFI. It was the Triptiek Week. Three weeks hard-working on a collection with a team of twenty people! We had the highest grade and we are enormously happy about it. If you want to see our collection, click here to view it again.

Being in a down period I finally had some good news to hear! Lady Gaga, one of my biggest idols and big inspiration for me announced that she came to Amsterdam with her Born This Way Ball tour. Lots of people were interested in what she would wear on September 17 AND 18. She sold out the first day in 15 minutes! That’s my girl!

And we’re back to my portfolio work again. I had another show for my school again. And it was all about handicraft. I focused on smocking and sew on beading by HAND and it all looked very beautiful. It was worth making all that handwork.

May & June:
That was the month my beautiful macbook broke, so I had no special post to show you unfortunately and so it was in the next month.

Fashionweek was all starting again but unlucky me had no time to go to the show. I had to work hard for keep staying at AMFI, and I still do! But I’ve been to the Modefabriek, where they had a special stand for the young Dutch talent of now. Though I missed the area where all the young talented designers all over the world came to show us their work. Here in Holland, we’re kind of minimum (besides Bas Kosters). But for the rest it keeps on growing.

I went to London with my dad for some inspiring views and some good shopping. Though because of health I couldn’t walk that much in the beginning of my trip. But after all, I had an amazing time over there! I also got my Lady Gaga Fame perfume over there; It should’ve been published in the beginning of September, but already purchased it in Harrod’s London!

The week of all good things. Starting my journey at AMFI again and of course Lady Gaga arrived in the Netherlands. I had an amazing time at her show, meeting some great fans and made new friends. I didn’t go backstage, but it was all right. I had a blast that night. But without knowing that I would meet her two days later in front of her hotel! Click here to watch the film of me meeting gaga (skip to 1:28 to see her turn around and walk to me). Yeah I know, a bit obsessed. But hey, that’s me!

Well not sure what to think about this month, but I don’t have anything to say what was good on this month. It was just a good month haha!

Another highlight at my school! We passed our collection book with the highest grade! It was hard working, but so worth it. We are still working on the new season of the street wear brand of Burberry, called Burberry Clash. It’s not official, but we are a reality school so we learn how it’s in real business.

A sweet month. I started that month with a trip to the wonderful Istanbul. I had a great and Inspiring time. Visited some great places and interesting factories. So I really ended this year very well!

And hopefully more Highlights will come in 2013!

See ya!