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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Portfolio: Triptiekshow


A few weeks ago there was a show organized by all the 2nd year students of the Amsterdam Fashion Institute, including me. We started with groups of 20 students and in every group there were managers, branders and designer students.

In my group there were 5 design students and you can see on the photo's our collection we've worked on it. Our inspiration was Friesland and our goal was to reach the youth of this Dutch province by making comfortable, but stylish and special clothing. We did a great job on it, we even had a high note for it! right under this post you can see the pictures of the shoot with me as the model and from the show.

Please send a comment here and give me your opinion about the colection. What would you like to buy from this. I heard alot of compliments about the beautiful sweater made by my group-mate Anouk!

Meet Jonathan Christopher


Hey little fashion soldiers,

Yes, It has been a long time ago…. Again! But I will try to post more! But I’m so busy with my school, but I definately don’t want to give up my blog. And I want to post only good work!

So a few months I went to the Modefabriek, a big event at the Amsterdam RAI where you’ll see all the trends coming this season. There was a special places whit stands of different young design talent. And there was one collection that stole my fashionheart. It was the collection of Jonathan Christopher Hofwegen.

Hofwegen graduated at the Willem de Kooning Academie (in Rotterdam). In that study, he did an internship at Dutch designer Francisco van Benthum. After that he did a master at ArtEZ in Arhem, one of the most artistic designschool in The Netherlands. He has been nominated for a few good designer awards.

Jonathan Christopher made the best menswear collection I’ve ever seen in my life! It’s so much different than the ‘average’ menswear collections. Every detail was so good and every clothing piece has it’s extra’s. I’m afraid lot’s of boring dudes won’t wear them, because they are afraid of the ‘new’ things. And that’s why I’m happy with this designer! We all should be happy to be different, or are we proud to be ‘normal’ ? Let’s change the world! But before that, let’s watch pictures of the brand.

Check out other pictures at his website: Click Here
