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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Vote for me to be Lady Gaga's assistant!

Hey everyone!

This is something VERY important for me, so could you please do something for me?

I'm joining the metro's contest to be gaga;s assistant for a day! they asked me why i was born this way:

I was born to be strong, proud and succesful. I was born to love everyone around me, to respect everyone and everything. I was also born to follow my dreams, my passion and I will never give up. I was born to win.

And please click HERE to vote for me.

You only have to click on the 'vind ik leuk' or 'like' button and that's all :D




Saturday, April 16, 2011

London Experience (Part 3)

And this is the last one!

I just wanna share you some pictures of people who impressed me with their style. I went to every places in London, but Camden Town impressed me the most. It was especially goths with their spiked leather jackets who inspired me so mutch, but i also met an harajuku girl with beautiful contacts that makes your eyes bigger (I got them as well) But Camden Town is a place in London where the people aren't afraid to express themselves. So I think we should need waay more Camden Towns all over the world. Don't be scared to be yourself, maybe you will inspire me like these people did.

London Experience (Part 2)

Hey! Thanks for watching my blog again!

This is the second part of my London experience there will probably coming 1 more part of this amazing experience, but I'm not sure.

My last post was about the beautiful modern (and classic) architecture in London. Now we're going to watch London in a performing way.


Because of my busy schedule I had only time for 2 museums. The Tate museum and the Victoria & Albert museum.

When you are going to London you really HAVE to go to The Tate Museum. It's the most impressive museum I've ever been to. The entrance already wow'ed me. When you walk into the museum you see in the back Millions of sunflower seeds on the floor. But they are not really seeds, it is made of porselain. It's from the Unilever series and the artist who made this (with lots of men and women for painting the seeds) was Ai Weiwei. You can see in a room an impressive movie about how it's been made.

And of course all the other floors in the building wow'ed me as wel! You got a room with pop-art and lots of other things. You also should see the exposition of Gabriel Orozco. He splitted a car into 2 and made it into a car for two persons (one seat in the front and one in the back)! It's impressive!

And I also went to th V&A in London. You can call it a huge museum with lots of historical art clothing and attributes. But you should make time for it, because it's exhausting! They got so much interesting collections. But what you should NOT miss, is the exposition of Yohji Yamamoto. This collection is A-MA-ZING! You can learn how to work sustainable as a fashion designer, but also artistic and wearable. I think I got an Obsession for Japanese designers!

So here are some pictures of it, but you shoul see it yourself (if you have the money for it)

London Experience (Part 1)

Hey folks!

Wow, what an amazing week I had in London. It's an amazing city with loads of modern architecture, art and fashion peeps! Today I will show you after every 30 minutes a new part of my London experience. I've experienced a lot, sa that why I divided it in parts. And this is part 1 so let's start!


The architecture is a beautiful mix of modern and old buildings. I really like the modern futuristic buildings in London, because I really love forward things and we shouldn't copy old things literally.

I also saw the globe theatre. The theatre of William Shakespeare. Even though this is an old medieval building, it still looks so modern and tight (or it's beacause of all those renovations...)

I also love the alienesque, almost oval design of the 'gherkin building'. A nice man told me that people in London call the building like that, simply beacause of the gherkin shape.

Besides thes 2 buildings, enjoy more of the architecture I've seen in beautiful modern London. All these buildings look so much like 3D animations!

Sunday, April 10, 2011


HEY everyone!!

I'm just so excited to tell you that i'm going to London tomorrow!!

I will make some inspiring pictures of stores, people, locations etc. !!

So that means that I won't post anything this week (even though I haven't posted something for a while)....
But when i'm back in the Netherlands, I will post some pics of london and my inspiration.

See you saturday!
Christian M