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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Gucci live stream today!


Do you want to see the Gucci Runway Show today? Well you don;t need a ticket to watch the show, you can see it all at the show will start at 3PM Italian time!! So in less than 40 minutes!

Enjoy the show!


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Charlie Le Mindu shows you what real fashion is @LFW

So YOU think that fashion is all about beauty, then you're absolutely wrong! And Charlie Le Mindu shows you why.

At London Fashion Week, their models were almost naked, wearing only gasmasks or special white wigs. There were also models who were having blood all over their body. First word that comes out an 'average' person's mouth: That's disgusting and its ugly, that's not fashion. Oh yes it is.

Fashion is not only beauty, it's making something new, making a statement, making people to talk about this collection. People have to expand their mind about fashion and not only saying that it's beautiful or ugly. Is it interesting? Do you see the designers mind in this collection? Do you understand his/her statement? It's weird that people are watching movies with people with blood all over and finds it interesting to watch, but when a naked model comes on the runway with blood all over, then it's disgusting... That's a bit weird huh?

Someone told me last week that people are afraid for new things. And i totally agree with that. Do we have to feel save all the time? Do we have to dress 'beautiful' all the time? Think about it! Fashion is not a brainless beauty thing, it's about being a person, being an individual with your own style. Don't follow trends, make the trends.

And this is what Le Mindu wants to tell you in this show I think. He's also the hairdresser of the best performance artist of now: Lady Gaga.

So again think again what fashion is.


Fashion TV in 3D!

Well Hello!

As a alot of you know there's a channel called Fashion TV, a tv station with all the ins and outs of fashion. Soon it will be shown in 3D! They're doing well.

They will film all the runway show from designers in 3D, but not only the shows. Red carpets on filmfestivals or award ceremonies or at Fashion Week will be also seen in 3D.

I don't know if the Netherlands get the 3D version, because there are just a few providers who are offering Fashion TV.

I always watch it when I'm at my dad's house and it also is on the tv-screen at my school, so I know about it and it's so cool to see all those runway shows. So hopefully it will be here in 3D too!


Monday, February 21, 2011

Born This Way


I know i'm late with it but on friday, feb 11, Lady GaGa launched hert new single 'Born This Way' I really thought it would be a slow ballad (wich are not of my favorit types of songs), but when I heard it for the first time I was like WOW... It was an up-tempo song!'So I was really happy and I couldn't wait to download it on iTunes.

So i downloaded it right after it was launched on iTunes and I wasn;t the only one. Right after 4 hours it was #1 on the worldwide iTunes rank! A new record. So proud!

Click here for the song, enjoy!


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Portfolio - Inspirationbook

Hey again!

A few weeks to go, I had to make an inspirationbook that's shows a bit of you. And it have to inspire all the others. It was textually hard, because I told more why it inspires me more, but not why it have to inspire you.

But my teacher told me that i have an excellent layout and it would have a lot of opportunities. That sounds good. So it was visually good, but textual it wasn't inspiring enough.

So here, take a look of the VISUAL side of some pages of my inspirationbook. I'm very proud of it.

Born This Way Friday!

I have to tell you all that I'm a huge fan of Lady Gaga. Not just about what she wears, but I really love her dance music. Especially Bad Romance....

Anyhow, her new single Born This Way is coming friday! I really can't wait!! I hope it will be as good as Bad Romance.
And that's all. I hope you all can't wait.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Students in motion.

Hey everyone!

So I'm not going to show you something about fashion. It's just a project i did this week.

The assignment was to make a movie/flashmob, where you are making Amsterdam more attractive. The movie have to be 30 seconds or less, so that was the hard part, because we had a lot of film material.

our theme was moods, so we tried to make people happy in Amsterdam. We went to the famous market place called Albert Cuypmarkt and gave people a 'fortune balloon' with some happy messages in it like 'you will be president' or 'you're handsome'. and their reaction was amazing. You can see how happy people are in Amsterdam!

So enjoy our short commercial/trailer/flashmob haha!

love and fashion,
