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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My Portfolio - Part 1

Hello everyone,

Here is finally a post: My Portfolio!

I made a video of all my work that I made before i went to the AMFI. It's mostly dresses, but yeah I try to make pants. Some work is already 4 years old!

Ok i'm 18 years, but I was always busy with fashion, but I was working with the sewing machine some years ago...

But ok, enough about me, here's the work!!! I hope you'll like it! :)



Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Hey people,

I still haven't put something on this blog, but it will change tomorrow!

I will show you all my work I made in my life (all the fashion-related work) So, like designs and where I get my inspiration from or all my work of what i did at the amsterdam fashion institute (AMFI)

So hopefully you all can't wait for it and please share this with your friends!



Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I'm Back!!!

Hey fashionable people over there,

I'm sorry for being M.I.A. for some months, but I'm back!

I will show you as soon as possible, all my work wich i made at the AMFI!! I really enjoy it over there and I know it's my place to be. I get good notes for my assignments, so hopefully it stays like that!

Also the Amsterdam International Fashion Week is coming in January. I'm now waiting for some invitations of fashion shows. So hopefully I get invited! I can't wait to show it to you then and talk about what I think about their collection.

So I try to keep this blog up to date! And hopefully you all like it!

Bye Bye!!


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

It's all High Fashion - Part 2

The rules of Haute Couture:

In 1868, the federation 'Chambre Syndicale de la haute couture was born. You can ask them what High Fashion is about nowadays. You can call it Haute Couture when the 'chambre' allows it. Designs of Joseph Font (left) and George Chakra (right)
A beatiful silver dress mad by the amazing Elie Saab

This dress was worn by Audrey Hepburn in 'Breakfast at Tiffany's! Design by Givenchy.

BEFORE a brand can call his or her collection haute couture/high fashion, you need to follow these rules:
- You have to be settled in Paris;
- You have to make at least 2 collections a year with at least 25 designs per collection;
- You have to have an own studio with at least 20 seamstresses;
- The designs have to be sewed (mostly) by hand;
- The clients have to fit 3 outfits of the brand.
Here are some more pictures of high fashion designs. Part 3 is coming soon!

More high fashion designs. These are made years ago! It's beauiful!

Wich brand could this be? Dior of course! John Galliano is the designer of Dior nowadays.

Pictures: Christian Müller

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

It's all High Fashion - Part 1

Hey everyone!

Some moths ago I went the the Gemeente Museum in The Hague. And there was a exposition about high fashion, also known as haute couture. It was awesome!

The main points about this whole exposition were:

- The Birth of Haute Couture;
- The Rules of Haute Couture;
- Haute Couture in the Netherlands;
- Getting Married in Haute Couture.

Also there were some special rooms for designers like Chanel, Christian Dior and Jean Paul Gaultier.

The Birth of Haute Couture.

You might think that a Frenchman started with Haute Couture, but it was an Englishman named Charles Frederick Worth who started.
He moved the Paris and worked in a famous fabric store Gagelin. He gave everyone advice about the fabric.
Then he met Marie Vernet, one of the mannequins of the store. They felt in love and Worth made special dresses for her. But also clients of the Gagelin store were interested in his designs and asked him to make a special dress for them.
So he started an own store with businessman Otto Bobergh, called Worth & Bobergh. And that's how Haute Couture/High Fashion started! A man in a womenscareer.

Here are some of the designs he made:
There are a lot of big backsides in the 19th century

How does a corset looks like ?

Pictures: Christian Müller


Welcome Everyone to the opening of my new blog: Capitale F (Capital F)!

This blog contains everything that is related to fashion and art, all the things that inspire me and I will show you the designs I made.Ialso will try to get some invitations for some fashion shows.

My name is Christian Müller and my goal is to ba a fashion designer. I'm accepted to the Amsterdam Fashion Institute (AMFI), on e of the biggest fashion academies in the Netherlands.

Next week is The Amsterdam International Fashion Week and I will keep you up to date about every fashion show.

So I hope you will check this blog every day and I hope you like it!

Bye Bye,
